
We are committed to making this web site as accessible as possible so please let us know your comments and suggestions. The following is a guide to getting the most from this site.

Adjustable Text Size

This web site has a feature which will change the size of text for you. At the top of every page you will find 3 letter As of different sizes. (these are text links if you are viewing the text only version). Click on one of the As to change the text size to small, medium or large. When you come back to this web site it should remember which size you prefer.

Your browser should also have a menu option to change text size which you can use if you prefer.

Text Only Version

It is possible to view this web site as text only and with a high contrast colour scheme. To switch to text only mode click the ‘Text Only Version’ link at the top of each page. To return to graphical mode click on the page links at the top of each page

Access Keys

Access keys have been added to the main navigation links of this site. This allows navigation using keyboard shorcuts.

If you are using a Windows PC: Press ALT + the access key.

If you are using Internet Explorer you may also need to press the ENTER afterwards.

If you are using a Mac: Press CTRL + the access key.

Available access keys are:

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

The World Wide Web Consortium have produced guidelines on how to make web sites accessible. We aim to meet the highest standards of these guidelines but if you have any difficulties browsing this site please let us know.