During our time at Watering Lane nursery we have watered, swept, weeded, planted, raked, dug, grown potatoes to test the crop for suitability for crisps. We have washed greenhouses, picked Jacob’s tears, cotton and peanuts, and grown a variety of vegetables and flowers.
As well as our ongoing projects of planting bulbs for Eden’s spring festival, planting and harvesting gourds for the autumn displays and growing vegetables that enable all participants to go home with produce we are:
1 Using the field to grown vegetables and fruit for our Veg Bags.
In the last twelve months we have grown parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, beetroot, spinach, ruby chard, leeks, broad beans, accent and charlotte potatoes, pink fur apple potatoes, spring onions, courgettes, marrows, squashes and pumpkins, purple sprouting broccoli, brussel sprouts and red cabbage. We have also sown phaecellia as a green manure.
2 Grown over a 1000 squashes, pumpkins and gourds for use in the Eden Projects displays.
3 Grown vegetables for the ‘Urban Chef’, Oliver Rowe, for him to promote our project in his London restaurants. We were particularly pleased that he made an effort to visit us all the way from London.
4 Beginning a new service providing The Eden temporary displays team with a variety of herbs and spices to use on the restaurant tables.
5 Developed People and Gardens from a private business into a Community Interest Company and we have set ourselves a 3 year plan to enable us to be financially dependent, rather that reliant on statutory funding.